math through discovery

Friday, March 31, 2017


From the unit circle students create the sine and cosine graphs.  This activity has just recently been redesigned so students can follow the directions on their own and create the two graphs.  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


One of the hardest topics for calculus students to understand is the finding of the volume of a solid with a know cross section.  This bundle of activities is designed to help students visualize this idea.

There are three parts to this bundle.

  1.  In the first part, students are engaged building models for 8 different shapes that can be built on the same region.  Through answering some key questions students learn that the volume of all nine shapes can be found using similar techniques.  Students also look for relationships between their answers. 
  2. In the second part, students review what they learned in the exploration as it reviews how these volumes are calculated.
  3. In the third part, students practice finding volume of solids with known cross sections.  

Here is what a recent buyer said about the product:

I used this bundle over the course of a few classes - it was very successful! I even had students who said "I FINALLY get this!" Thank you!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

This set of cards covers some Algebra I topics that have come with the CCSS.  Students are asked questions where they have to consider kf(x), f(x+k), and f(x+a)+b.  They also cover odd and even functions.  The 24 cards are separated into 6 sets of 4 cards and can be easily separated by color.


Monday, March 20, 2017

This is what a recent buyer said:

Nice change of pace activity!

This is what a recent buyer said:

There was a "wow" moment in the classroom as the students connected trig graphs to the unit circle.

Another buyer said:

fantastic activity

Saturday, March 18, 2017

This set of task cards engages the students information on the first and second derivatives to create sketches of functions.
It is definitely something that all calculus and AP calculus students should be able to do.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

From information about a function's derivative and second derivative students construct a picture of the graph of the function. 
This lesson focuses on using the information about a derivative and a second derivative and minimizes the algebraic manipulation of algebraic expressions.  
Students must understand the concepts behind a first and second derivative to able to answer questions about the original function.

Calculus students understand a concept best when it is presented in more than one way.  This lesson illustrates how a student can understand the definition of a derivative GRAPHICALLY, NUMERICALLY, ANALYTICALLY, AND VERBALLY.
The TI-84 is used in this lesson to view information graphically and numerically.  Then as the students describes what they see through tables and graphs, they learn to verbally explain the concept of a derivative.  Finally students then look at the derivative analytically after they have explored the concept graphically and numerically.   

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Here is a great Geometry lesson for the spring.  It helps students visualize 3 dimensional shapes.  It is inexpensive and kits love making them for the classroom.  When you are done you can display them from the ceiling and then refer to them as part of the upcoming lessons.


  • I have just made a bundle of three items you might want for your Calculus or AP Calculus Class.  
  • The first product is an exploration which students complete in groups of 8 students.  Through this exploration, students learn how easy it is to find the volume of any solid which have cross sections that are known polygons.  
  • The second product is an activity sheet where students learn how they can apply the knowledge of the exploration to finding the volume of 7 new solids.
  • The third product is a practice sheet with additional exercises. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Help your students understand the concept of finding the volume of a solid with a known cross sectional area.

Have you been looking for the product that will really help your students in calculus and AP calculus.  This is the item.  It is a very inexpensive activity. 

  • Just run off the 8 shapes on index cardstock
  • The students cut the shapes out
  • Students glue the shapes on a copy of the region bounded by the x-axis, the graph of the square root of x, and the values x = 0 and x = 4.
  • Groups of 8 students work together at completing an activity sheet that will guide them through writing a Riemann sum for the volume, estimate the volume, write an integral for the volume, and find the volume.
  • The activity closes by having the students compare the volumes and look for relationships between the volumes.  
     Volume of a Solid with a Known Cross Section

Volume of a Solid with a Known Cross Section

Once you see how easy this makes finding volume you will want to buy your colleague a copy of this for their classes.

Friday, March 3, 2017

This bundled set of 12 lessons contains directions and worksheets for students to use in an Algebra I class to learn multiplying and factoring.  

The area model is the tool used to help students learn to use the distributive property for multiplying monomials and binomials. To multiply the monomials and binomials are the dimensions of the outside a rectangular box.  The answer to the multiplication is the area of the inside of the rectangular box.  

 The area model is also used to help students realize that factoring is simply the reverse of multiplying.    When a student factors, they have to place the polynomial in the rectangular box based upon their experience from multiplying monomials and binomials and then use greatest common factors to find the dimensions of the rectangular box.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Have you ever had difficulty illustrating to a class how to read the subdivisions of an inch on a ruler?
Well this file might be your answer.  There are two files in this zipped folder:

  • A Smart Notebook File with large images of the giant inch
  • Students templates of the giant inch

If you don't have a smartboard, but you do have a way to project the student templates on a white surface you can use the student templates to help your students learn to use a ruler.  

Here is a great activity

This activity can be used in many different grade levels and adapted to each grade level.  Using bendable straws and tape, the students make triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, and hexagons.  Then the join several of these together to make three-dimensional shapes.  Included in the activity are 17 task cards, a data chart, and a full set of directions.

Most shapes can be made in a 40 minute period and the gathering of data in another 40 minutes. 

When the students are done making the shapes and collecting the data, you can hang them from the ceiling of your classroom and continue to refer to them as you explore other concepts with 3 dimensional shapes.  

Listen to what some teachers have said about this activity:

  • Great resource!!!
  • Center type activity that my upper elementary students handled well!
  • Polyhedrons are so much fun!!!
  • What an awesome, fun project for my Honors Geometry. They loved it!!!!
Check out this product today.

Help your students understand the properties of quadrilaterals!

This hands on activity will help you students discover the properties and quadrilaterals, visualize them, and, best of all, remember the properties.

Here is what a few buyers said:
  • This was a great activity and the kids remember the properties much better!
  • I always found my students learned better when they were engaged in making the observations and making the conclusions. 
  • This provided good practice measuring with a ruler and protractor. It did take 2 class periods - I ended up assigning each student 2 or 3 shapes depending on their speed and then had them meet with others to pair/group share to come up with this properties. Good activity!

One of the hardest topics for Calculus students to understand in the finding of volume when they are presented with the base of the region and a description of the cross section cut perpendicular to the base.  

I designed a lab activity to help students visualize these shapes and to also notice that all these problems are very similar to each other.  

Using the region bounded in the first quadrant by the x-axis, x=4, and the curve square root of x, students are given 8 different cross sectional shapes to actually build a model the solid they will find the volume of.  After students have glued down cross section to the region they then work together to find the volume of the solid using integration.  Through this activity of building the integrals, the students notice that all 8 shapes follow the same procedure.  Then they get to compare their volumes and notice there is a relationship between many of the volumes.  

Here is what a few buyers said about the activity:

  • Excellent activity. I laminated the shapes pages, students then cut out the pieces and used glue sticks to create the "volume". Students answered the questions pertaining to their created shape then traded with others so they saw all shapes. Students sailed through the practice problems the next day. This activity provided the visuals they needed to understand the concept.
  • Great way to approach a challenging topic in AP Calculus.
  • Love the visuals. I used to have my students do this with pipe cleaners, this is much more accurate.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Help your students prepare for the Algebra II PARRC exam with these "Interpreting Functions Task Cards.  There are 20 cards in the set and they are divided into 5 sets of four cards.  The five sets of cards cover different topics in the FIF standard.